Friday, May 01, 2009


Jeremy, Paulie and myself, having dinner at Postrio

Saturday, March 21, 2009

The End of a good night!

Pistons victory!

Friday, March 20, 2009


A Pistons Victory!

Great Game!!


Is there a game going on?!

A CMU Grad!

Ok that's a front for a Blue Sequin shot


The Crew

5th Row, under basket, Clippers end!



Off to the Palace

Pistons VS Clippers!

Sunday, February 01, 2009

SuperBowl Party

We are ready to party in Monroe!!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Joe Wang and The Test Pilots - CD Release

My good friends and old college pals have released their CD Souvenir, and I must say its quite well done. These guys are fantastic live, and play pure sound rock and roll with a twist. Imagine no keyboard and effects to trick the notes into something else.

Distinct voices (they all sing) and top notch lead and rhythm backing make these guys a must see. Hailing from the KZOO side of the state, they recently played at Smalls in Hamtramck. Don't miss out next time, and hey, get the CD!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Sad Day, a good pet and friend lost

SNUGGLES 1993-2008

One of my favorite pets passed on today. While she was sick only a month or so, the decision was made to help her cross on. A large tumor had grown inside her jaw and pallet, and was affecting her eating and, I am sure, causing her pain. Its never easy to say goodbye, and I had a tough time of it today.

Snuggles wasn't the friendliest cat mind you, but she gave her mom and dad great love, her sisters and brothers didn't fare as well. Always the boss, and with a hefty hiss and paw, she showed who was the fat cat of the house. She was loved and will be missed, greatly.

Friday, November 07, 2008

Darling House Pub

At the Pub, last day after golf

Beacon Hill

Very hot today! Course is 'ok'